2019 m. rugpjūčio 29 d., ketvirtadienis

Kaip pasiruošti biologijos olimpiadai?

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Šį kartą dalinuosi sąrašu knygų anglų kalba, kurios padės pasiruošti biologijos olimpiadai.

TOP 7 knygos biologijos olimpiadai

  1. Biology by Campbell
  2. Human physiology by Vanders
  3. Plant biology by Raven
  4. Biochemistry by Harvey or Color atlas of biochemistry by Koolman
  5. Genetics by Brooker
  6. How to prepare for the Biology Olympiad by Martyna Petrulyte
  7. Molecular biology of the cell by Alberts

Taip pat nepraleisk progos paskaityti mano pirmąją knygą apie pasiruošimą biologijos olimpiadai. Nors knyga parašyta anglų kalba, tikiuosi, tau patiks ją skaityti. Žemiau rasi knygos turinį:

Acknowledgments i

1 Introduction 1

2 Glossary 3

3 About the international biology olympiad 5
4 Motivation 8
5 Defeat procrastination 12
6 Time management 18
7 Test anxiety 24
8 Learning styles 30
9 Memorization techniques 33
10 Cramming 46
11 Organizing your study material 50
12 Note taking tips 53
13 Critical thinking skills 59
14 Problem solving skills 63
15 Test taking techniques 78
16 Reading a biology textbook 86
17 So where to start? 92
18 Study plan 99
19 Must know biology topics 109
20 Chemistry and physics in the biology olympiad 116
21 Math skills in biology olympiads 118
22 Developing practical skills 125
23 How to get into a lab 129
24 Surviving in the lab 138
25 How to deal with failures 142
26 My experience in biology olympiads 148
27 Beyond the biology olympiad 155
28 Only for teachers 159
29 To the parents 162
30 Links 166
31 Final remarks 167
32 References 169
33 About the author 171

How to prepare for the biology olympiad and science competitions

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